Using VIM as your Flutter IDE

Today we are going to setup vim as your Flutter IDE

If you have not installed Vim, consider installing NeoVim in your machine.

Once you have installed Vim in your machine you need to have plugin manager for vim

I Use Vim plug:

Once you have Vim plug installed you have to created .vimrc file (If you are on neo vim you have to create init.vim)

After that you have to install plugin inside VIM via Vim plug

In your .vimrc add these 2 lines

Plug 'dart-lang/dart-vim-plugin'
Plug 'thosakwe/vim-flutter'

Once you added these 2 lines run:

:source %

Done: you have installed Flutter in Your Vim setup now you can run flutter app via:

:FlutterRun <args>

For more you can find more commands here: